Donkeys, zebras, and mules all differ relatively from horses in conformation. Probably the most noticeable difference is of course the ears. Donkeys ears are MUCH longer in percentage with their size when compared to an equine. The necks are straighter in the longer characteristically, and most donkeys and all zebras lack a true wither.

The croup and rump are also a different form in the donkey and it’s hybrids, lacking the double-curve muscled haunch. The comparative back again is straighter because of the lack of withers. Swayed or Dipped backs are a conformation fault, unless in old animals or brood jennies who’ve produced many foals, rather than due to genetic factors.

The mane and tail in the donkey are coarse. The mane upright is still and, laying over rarely, and the tail is more like a cow’s, covered with short body hair for most of the length, and closing in a tasseled change. Donkeys don’t have a genuine forelock, although sometimes the mane expands long enough to comb down between your ears toward the eyes. Because the mane is stiff and sometimes flyaway, many donkeys, show stock especially, wear their manes clipped short, or shaved close to the neck.

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Hoof shape varies as well, donkey hooves are smaller and rounder, with more pasterns upright. The legs must have good bone, but many donkeys of common breeding may appear to have long thin legs with tiny feet. Larger Asses such as the Poitou or Andalusian types may appear opposite, with huge, heavy shaggy legs and large round feet.

Good hip and legs and feet are essential for mating Mules, as a good foot is much preferable to a sizable body on tiny stick legs and feet. The vocal qualities are the frequently remembered distinctions in the long-ears. The donkey’s voice is a raspy, brassy Bray, the characteristic Aw-EE, Aw-EE sound.

Jacks especially appear to take pleasure from braying, and will “sound off” at any opportunity. Although some donkeys are the familiar gray-dun color, there are many other coat shades. Most donkeys, of coat color regardless, will have dorsal stripes and make crosses, dark ear canal marks, as well as the “Light Points” — white muzzle and vision rings, and a white tummy and inner calf. Leg barring (“garters” or “zebra stripes” may be there as well.

Small dark spots right at the throatlatch, called “collar buttons” are a good identifying marking and take place occasionally. These typical donkey markings might be passed on in part or entirely to Mule or Hinny offspring. Colors in the donkey add the gray shades of gray-dun to brown, a rare bay, black, light-faced roan (both red and gray), variants of sorrel, albino-white (also called cream or white-phase), Few-spot white, and a unique Spotted pattern. True equine pinto, horse maturing gray, horse Appaloosa, buckskin, and palomino do not take place in the donkey.

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